Thursday, October 30, 2008


MYSTYCALS.......Have arrived in living color! This is just a small sample of what is to come to Roadsend and it is indeed a destination for the imagination!
The Humpty Dumpty was a personal challenge that came in a calendar of a fabulous artist , Daniel Merriam, and his calendar, Art of Dreams 2007. This one is a keeper!

The cats are my interpretation of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. The catepillars on the mushrooms are also my takes on Alice in Wonderland characters. I have made over seven sets of these two characters with each being just a slight deviation from the other. With such a unique character to interpret, it has been fun to try a wide spectrum of characteristics for these creatures!
The dragons are a very small sample of the mythylogical creatures I so enjoy. These are just the basic versions, not even painted as they fired in a unique banded finish although the clay was perfectly plain flesh toned when I formed them!
There will be more to come as my profeciency with this medium improves. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy the view of a small corner of my world I call Mystycals!


Carrie said...

One small step for technology, one giant leap for Mystycals.

peanut3762 said...

I'm a BIG fan of your work!

Julie said...

I love the description of yourself.